Explore. Learn.
Launch your business abroad.

Start your dream business abroad.

Embark on a transformative journey with Frontier Founders, where aspiring entrepreneurs like you traverse the vibrant landscapes of Asia to learn the intricacies of launching a successful business overseas.

Our expert-led trips equip you with the necessary tools, insights, and networks to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality, providing a unique blend of educational workshops, cultural immersion, and strategic partnerships that pave the way for your global business success.

Why go on an adventure with us?

Expert-Led Workshops

Gain invaluable insights from business professionals experienced in Asian markets through targeted workshops that address local business laws, market strategies, and operational tactics.

Strategic Networking

Build essential connections with local entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and potential partners to facilitate your business expansion and ensure lasting success.

Cultural Immersion

Directly engage with the local culture and business environment to tailor your venture to real-world market conditions and consumer behaviours. Understand why and how to do business there.

Continuous Support

Benefit from ongoing resources and mentorship through our exclusive online platform, designed to support your business development long after your trip concludes.

Check out upcoming trips
Starting at €1895

Our two week trips immerse you in the local business culture, create a network of like-minded entrepreneurs and get you inspired about what’s next.

Club Membership

Access to our platform where you can connect with other entrepreneurs, ask your questions and are exposed to new business opportunities.

Annual Club Membership
€539/yr — Get 1 month free

The same benefits as our monthly membership, and you get 10% off on your next trip with us, no matter where you’re going.

Check out our upcoming trips and find the perfect fit for your entrepreneurial ambitions.